Applications are now closed.
We have a limited budget to support PhD students,
postdocs or other participants who cannot secure adequate funding from other sources and
would otherwise be unable to participate.
- For students from all backgrounds (including postdocs, with priority given to PhD students), we offer full accommodation during the conference, which may include shared rooms in student residences.
- Additionally, individuals from developing countries are eligible for full accommodation in a pre-booked Apart'hotel or student residence, as well as waived registration fees.
Depending on the conference budget and specific circumstances, we may exceptionally cover additional expenses.
Other funding opportunities
These supports are country dependent. You can send us an email if you want to advertise yours.
SwissMAP: PhD students and postdoctoral students affiliated to a Swiss institution can contact the NCCR SwissMAP to ask for financial support. This support will be attributed through a selective process. To apply, please send an email to Elise Raphael including your CV and the name and contact of at least one reference (including PhD advisor and/or postdoc mentor).NSF: The grant will be open for applicants from US institutions of all career stages (graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, early career faculty, tenured faculty), but the preference will be given for junior participants. Opening soon. Deadline May 1st. See more detail here.